Maximize appearance and Increase visibility at every tradeshow!
Attract attention to your booth
increased foot traffic increase contact and lead prospecting
increased both Sales revenue and lead generation by more than 55%
Prequalification of prospects
reach customers that might typically pass by your booth
The job is done by a Highly referenced model who is trained, knowledgeable, super outgoing and friendly
Guaranteed Results!
Work Cities:
Dallas ▪ Houston ▪ Las Vegas Chicago ▪ Atlanta ▪ Miami ▪ Los Angeles San Diego ▪ San Antonio ▪ Austin ▪ Boston NYC ▪ Orlando ▪ San Fransisco ▪ And More
Industries Served:
Oil & Gas: OTC, NAPE, DeepWaters, TurboMachinery, ILTA, Unconventional Gas